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What is hyperpigmentation, brown spots, or sun damage?


One of the most common skin issues we see in aesthetics is Hyperpigmentation, also known as brown spots, sun damage, or melasma. According to the National Cancer Institute, Hyperpigmentation is a usually harmless condition in which patches of the skin are darker than the skin surrounding. This condition can appear in different patterns and places such as freckles, age spots, melasma, and acne marks.

The causes of hyperpigmentation can vary including sun damage, pregnancy,

acne, medications, medical conditions, injury, or skin irritation. Some of these causes can

be prevented with the use of sunscreen and specialty skincare products but most reach the point of prevention before you can catch it. Once you can see hyperpigmentation it is too late to prevent it, however, ALWAYS wear sunscreen and use skincare to prevent further damage and darkening.

Here at Eye Candy Medspa, we have MANY modalities of the treatment of

hyperpigmentation. Many of our Skin Candy skincare products contain brightening

and lightening ingredients such as vitamin C, kojic acid, and hydroquinone. Some

of our most popular products are as follows: (Which can be purchased at and shipping is free)

Because hyperpigmentation is such a common skin concern many treatments have

been developed over the years. Some of these treatments include:

- Co2 Laser

Treatments and skin care can be combined to reach your desired result

more efficiently and quickly but please remember, prevention is key to keep your skin

clear and pigment-free! So wear your sunscreen, cover up when you can, and book your

skin consultation with us today!

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